Monday, October 7, 2019

Application of Nursing Theory to administrative practice arena Coursework

Application of Nursing Theory to administrative practice arena - Coursework Example According to Meleis (2007), self-care theory supports the establishment of contractual associations between nurses and patients. The establishment of effective communication between the nurse and the patient then promotes effective communication between the patient and the nurse. In this case, the nurse leaders can set effective communication with the nurses who then replicate the same to their patients. Notably, effective communication between the patient and the nurse is essential in the provision of high-quality patient care and patient satisfaction. McEwen and Weill (2014) views the interpersonal relations between patient and nurses as a primary element of nursing care in Orem’s theory of self-care. It is these nurse-patient interactions that are open, approving and stress on patient accountability that are associated with positive patient treatment outcomes. Additionally, Basavanthappa (2007) acknowledges that the self-care theory offers a patient-centered and individualized care that promotes confidence and encourages participation of the patients in the care design and buttresses the expectations of the patients and their discernments on quality of care, thus promoting patient satisfaction

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