Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Health Promotion Is A Positive Way - 969 Words

Health promotion is defined as promoting health, enhancing the quality of life and preventing disease, disability or death. Health promotion plays a very significant role throughout our everyday lives. Healthcare professionals such as physicians and registered nurses need to be aware of health education of the patient. Health promotion is a positive way in promoting healthy behaviors in all individuals. There are many different areas of health promotion. Some education includes, diabetes management, healthy eating, weight loss and alcohol use. Alcohol misuse is described as an increase in alcohol consumption that puts an individual at an increased risk for health problems. The United States estimates there has been a thirty percent increase in the number of adults who are drinking more than the recommended amount of alcohol, increasing their risk for physical, mental, and social health issues (Welsh, Earley, Delahanty, Wright, Berens, Williams, Barnett DiClemente, 2013). Twenty-five percent of these individuals are meeting the qualifications for alcohol dependence and tolerance, which is becoming a major issue throughout the United States (Welsh et al, 2013). Alcohol misuse is just the start to many issues a person can have when they continue with the unsafe alcohol consumption. When drinking over the recommended amount of alcohol, there are short term and long term risks that can occur. For example, some short term risks include, car accidents resulting in injury ofShow MoreRelatedHealthpromotion.Docx1.656 Words   |  3 PagesRunning head: Health Promotion Health Promotion Tina Butler Grand Canyon University Family-Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V Kimberly Stout July 28, 2012 Health Promotion The responsibility to increase quality and years of healthy living can be challenging, each individual as well as the United States Health Care Delivery System plays an important role in improving our Nations health. â€Å"Health promotion is defined as helping people to discover the interactions between their core passionRead MoreApplication Of Nursing Theory For Evidence Based Practice Essay1083 Words   |  5 Pagestypes of issues, a potential solution can be the application of the nursing theory, Health Promotion, for parents and caregivers of children with acute gastroenteritis (AGE). 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